Light laughter

Ah but this is lovely. Job done



Writing and M.E.


I met my incredible Virgo goddess friend this evening. She of free seaside hotel trips, amazing RSL signage and Bikram blogging.

And she made me laugh. As often good friends do. Not a titter or a guffaw but a belly laugh so deep I felt my soul join in. My stomach muscles ached so much i think I can forgo my Downward Dog tomorrow.

What a gift. And, as always, another precious reminder. A reminder I have in front of me each day… Buddha. Big, fat, smiling Buddha belly laughing his way through eternity.

Yes life can get pretty serious. There can be lots of moments where you wring your hands and sigh your sighs.

And then you laugh. And for a moment you get it.

Be light. Be Light.

So thank you my lovely friend for gladdening my heart.

Namaste 🌟

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